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Protecting Your Dog From Mosquito Attacks
Mosquito bites don’t just happen to people; dogs suffer as well. As a matter of fact, mosquitoes feed upon a variety of animals including mammals and reptiles. Keeping mosquitoes away from your pets require a few extra steps before taking letting your animals outdoors, but they will thank you for the effort.
Step one is to keep your pets away from standing water where mosquitoes live. Old tires, bird baths, ponds, or other areas that can hold even the slightest amount of stagnant water are places that mosquitoes thrive. Female mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs in as well as blood to nourish them. Keep those areas clean and dry and try to keep animals away from the potential hazards they may contain. Also keep your lawn maintained as mosquitoes prefer to breed in tall weeds and grasses. More on this website @
Step two is to apply mosquito repellent to your dog before allowing him outside. There are a few ways to apply repellent; the easiest is to purchase a flea and tick collar for your pet. Some of these are also effective in mosquito extermination. You may wish to apply a mixture of essential oils designed to repel mosquitoes. Although these are effective, always do a patch test to make sure your pet isn’t sensitive to the oils. Finally, you may consider vitamin supplements or yeast that you can add to the dog’s food. Of course you should always check with your veterinarian before introducing any new substances to your pet. More on this website @
Step three is to take measures against mosquitoes that do bite. Mosquitoes can transmit heartworm to your dog, so be sure to provide them with medication to protect them. Heartworm is a very serious and potentially fatal disease that is easy and inexpensive to prevent.
Step four is to allow your dog inside if it’s possible. Dogs are pack animals that want to be close to you. Even the largest dogs can be trained to behave properly with a little time and attention. If you must leave them outdoors, then try to avoid allowing them to remain outside during the early morning and early evening, when mosquitoes are at their most active. Consider using a mosquito net over your pet’s doghouse to protect him while he rests and keep his water bowl fresh and clean to discourage mosquitoes from laying eggs there.
Step five is to experiment with pest control products. There are a variety of pet-safe options that you can use around your yard.
Pesticides are a method of mosquito control that most of us are familiar with. There are a variety of products aimed at reducing mosquito populations available for purchase. Check the label to make sure that it’s safe to use around pets and wildlife, but most of the products for sale nowadays aren’t generally hazardous to animals or the environment. Test any pesticides on a small area before treating your entire yard.
If you prefer an organic pest control method you might want to consider introducing a mosquito killer into your yard. The dragonfly is a natural predator that feeds upon mosquitoes from birth until death. If insects aren’t your thing and you have a pond there are a variety of fish that love to dine on a tasty mosquito. The Mosquitofish is capable of eating 100-500 mosquito larvae every day. Guppies are another good choice for mosquito management with the added benefit of being able to thrive in less than perfect conditions. Bats are also a natural predator of mosquitoes that are capable of eating hundreds of mosquitoes in a single evening. Frogs are another option to consider if you live in a wet area that is prone to mosquito infestations.
If you’re not keen on the idea of introducing mosquito predators in your yard, you might want to consider a mosquito trap. Like its name suggests, the mosquito trap is a contraption that’s designed to trap mosquitoes. They use bait or bright lights to lure mosquitoes inside and they find themselves unable to escape. They either get stuck to the flypaper stuck inside or killed by poison or an electric shock.
There are a variety of ways to protect your pets from mosquitoes this season. Mosquito management may seem like a daunting task, but it’s really quite simple. All you have to do is remember to follow a few basic steps:
Keep your yard clean and remove any standing water as soon as it accumulates.
Keep your pets inside the house as much as you can.
Make sure domestic pets are treated regularly to prevent heartworm.
If insecticides become necessary, use them as soon as the problem arises to keep mosquito populations down.
With a little preparation, you and your best friend will be well on your way to a mosquito-free summer.